Individual Therapy

My goal when working with individuals is to provide them with a safe space for reflection growth, and healing. Everyone’s journey if different and that requires that the therapist has the professional flexibility to meet client’s where they are at. While I cannot change difficult experiences from the past, we can collaborate to better understand challenges in your life and uncover negative patterns that may be holding you back from living your most fulfilled and meaningful life, allowing you to recover, renew, and flourish.

Some common issues that can be treated by individual therapy include:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Abuse and Trauma issues
  • Work life balance
  • Grief and Bereavement
  • Adjustment Issues
  • Divorce/Separation/Recovery
  • Chronic health issues
  • Anger Management

Evidenced-Based Modalities of Treatment I Use:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
  • Family Systems Therapy
  • Solution Focused Therapy
  • Mindfulness and Relaxation
  • Narrative Therapy
  • Coping skill building

Together we can navigate life challenges with compassion and care. Client satisfaction is my goal. Never feel alone again. I am with you every step of the way. Together we can create a future for a better you while inspiring hope and nurturing resilience. Your journey to inner peace starts here. Let’s talk about how you can find yourself again.

Therapy for Adolescents

According to the world Health Organization, “depression and anxiety are among the leading causes of illness and disability among adolescents, and suicide is among the leading causes of death in people aged 15-19 years. Half of all mental health disorders in adulthood start by age 14, but most cases are undetected and untreated. Many factors have an impact on the well-being and mental health of adolescents. Violence, poverty, stigma, exclusion, and living in humanitarian and fragile settings can increase the risk of developing mental health problems.” (World Health Organization 2023)

Advances in technology pose another layer of complexity and stress that our adolescents must learn to navigate safely. As parents we want our teens to thrive and successfully make the transition into Adulthood. Unfortunately, with all the distractions life makes this a challenging process. Adolescent therapy can be helpful in allowing teens to have another perspective in a safe space where they can share their stories and work on issues that are most salient to them without the feeling of judgement and fear of not belonging or being liked.

Some issues addressed in Adolescent counseling:

  • Anger Management
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Life Transitions
  • Parenting Issues
  • Sibling Conflict
  • Depression and Anxiety
  • Self-esteem and identity issues
  • Grief & Loss

I invite you to give me a call so we can discuss how I may be able to help your teenager. In my undergraduate practicum and in my post-grad training I have experience working with challenging teens. With compassion and understanding I can inspire growth and finding light in times of darkness. I have worked with teens struggling with Anxiety and Depression and life transitions. I can support your teenager’s journey to wellness, while helping them find inner peace and balance.

Family Therapy

Family therapy is a form of group therapy that focuses on everyone in the household. Family is considered a group of people who care about each other. This broad definition includes parents/guardians, children, aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, and family friends and other kinship relations. The overall goal is to improve family relationships and family functioning. Family counseling provides a supportive safe non-judgmental environment in which family members can explore family concerns, fears, hopes, and expectations. Everyone in family counseling is allowed to have a voice. The focus is on improving family interaction and communication to lead to greater family well-being and improved mental health.

Family Therapy can be helpful in:

  • Communication Issues
  • Relationship conflict
  • Adjusting to life changes
  • Grief & Loss
  • Behavioral Issues
  • Divorce/Separation/Recovery
  • Individual Mental Health
  • Chronic Illness

There is no perfect family. Every family at some point faces challenges that strain family relationships. I can help support you through these life transitions. Together with compassion and understanding we can find solutions that work for your unique needs. I am committed to your well-being. Call me so we can talk about how I may be of service to your family. Together we can navigate life’s challenges.

Marriage and Couples Counseling

Are you going through a stressful time in your relationship? Tired of trying to resolve problems and the same negative patterns keep you stuck, frustrated, and overwhelmed. You find it hard to believe this is the person you love, who now feels like a stranger to you. You have lost the ability to talk to each other respectfully, while resentment and guilt starts to grow. This might be an indication that marriage or couples counseling is necessary.

Marriage or Couples Counseling can help with:

  • Improving communication
  • Healing from past hurts
  • Learning how to meet each other’s needs
  • Manage stress
  • Deal with anger and guilt
  • Learning how to heal from infidelity
  • How to navigate divorce/separation/Recovery

Life does not come with a rule book on how to develop long-lasting mature love. As a result, we must learn the skills to create the loving and respectful relationships we desire. Marriage and Couples Counseling can be the solution to learning how to make your partner feel heard, seen, and understood, by identifying each other’s needs and wants. It may be time to begin a journey together to create greater peace, harmony, and hope in your relationship. I provide a safe and non-judgmental space for the exploration of difficult issues because I believe in empathy and your ability to heal, grow, and change. I work from a Systems perspective by exploring family of origin issues and how they may be showing up in your current relationship. I also work with Solutions Focused Brief Therapy because I believe that we do not need to solve the problem to find solutions. I use Narrative Therapy to help couples develop alternative stories to the problem-saturated stories they bring to therapy, thereby creating space for new more positive narratives to develop. If you are considering marriage or couples counseling I encourage you to give me a call for a free 15-minute consultation over the phone to answer your questions, and concerns, and discuss how we can start this journey of healing and growth together. Your mental health and well-being is my priority. This is a safe place for growth and healing.

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